The Truth About Success

By Ayo Olaseinde Today, there are half a billion entrepreneurs in the world. Many of these workers are struggling to make money or expand their businesses. New entrepreneurs often ask me about the key to...

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By Brian Tracy We are living in the Information Age. Today, the major source of value in our society is knowledge and ideas, combined with the ability to put them into action in a speedy...

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By Brian Tracy You’ve probably heard it said many times that entrepreneurs and business people are risk-takers and that they should be expected to take risks, which imply losses, in the pursuit of their financial...

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A Re-Attitude of Gratitude

By Dr. Sophia Edwards-Bennett It’s been a long and arduous year… Laced with anguish, incomprehensible loss….and wailing tears… Raining doubts ….and droughts of hope … Dreading tomorrow, our mournful sorrows… to elope… We’ve felt dismayed,...

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The Secrets of Self-Optimization

By Dr. Jeffrey Gladden It's no secret that stress is destructive to our physical and psychological health. Stress weakens the immune system, accelerates the aging process, and increases the risk of disease. Many of my...

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What is Business Etiquette?

By Alison Vaughn  A business place requires you to present yourself in a complacent manner, known as business etiquette. There are plenty of business etiquette skills to facilitate a respectful atmosphere and good interaction in...

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By Dr. Sophia Edwards-Bennett Hope…… Biblically expressed as a rhetoric of faith That to wit ...there is no debate... It is the interceding chime …in the midst of depression… Interrupting our perseverant thoughts …of...

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Rules of Etiquette

By Alison Vaughn The rules of etiquette are changing but some things never change or go out of style. If you practice proper etiquette, you are less likely to offend or annoy people. Remember the golden...

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Intentionally YOU

By  Dr. Sophia Edwards-Bennett   The you ....... You were created to be  With bold intentionality   Uniquely faceted Beautifully and exquisitely crafted    Beckoned from the spirit realm Transitioned into terrestrial solemn   Fetally...

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There Are 4 Types Of Wealth

By Alison Vaughn There are many wealthy people in the world. Many try to create a secretive life while others flaunt their wealth. Plainly speaking, wealth does not refer to your bank balance, it is...

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Book Smart vs Street Smart

By Alison Vaughn There were 2,825 billionaires in the world in 2019, up 8.5% from 2,604 billionaires in 2018, according to market research firm Wealth-X. That's the most billionaires there have been since Wealth-X began...

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5 Ways to Be More Persistent

By Dr. Ari Bernstein Have you ever wondered why some people seem to succeed at almost everything they attempt? Meanwhile, you might be struggling and unhappy with your achievements. The differentiator in those who seemingly...

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Over The Limit

By Sophia Edwards-Bennett A few days ago, I was driving to the hospital, my mind singularly focused on my daily scheduled patients. Then, commanding my attention, were the dreaded flashing lights of highway patrol, glaring...

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In Hindsight—2020

By Dr. Sophia Edwards-Bennett   In the backdrop of such devastatingly ominous times Fraught with fierce onslaught and incomprehensible loss of lives  Stand our courageous soldiers in health care, battling on the front lines While others bravely serve from the...

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